A good day makes a good week. A good week makes a good month. A good month makes a good year and a good year every year makes a good life! Simple, yes but also a basic truth. Far too often the fitness world is caught up in the perfect body, the perfect choice and the perfect long term goal. I am all for setting goals, especially goals that you can achieve and that help you stay on track. But the problem with goals is that humans have a brain that is very short sighted.
This is the way we have evolved and it is unlikely to change out base instinct any time soon. We seek pleasure and avoid pain NOW, not tomorrow or next week. The idea that my small choice today could have any bearing on even a month away let alone a year seems crazy! The reality is we KNOW what the healthy choice is. We KNOW that vegetables are a better option for dinner than a microwave bag of popcorn and chips. We KNOW that the choice to go to the gym today is going to be a better choice than staying home on the couch. It is not the big choice that makes a difference but the daily and weekly accumulation of SMALL choices added up over time. You maintain a healthy body weight by CONSISTENTLY eating healthy foods over a period of time. You get stronger by CONSISTENTLY doing heavier and heavier weight training sessions each week. You get overweight by CONSISTENTLY eating more than you need! We all know that smoking is heavily correlated with cancer but we can't narrow down the EXACT cigarette that caused you cancer. You know very well though that every time you smoke you are increasing your chances of cancer! It is the daily accumulation of damage that is the problem. In the same way, the daily accumulation of healthy behaviours will lead to a healthier body! Focus on TODAY. Make today as healthy as you can. Then make the next day as healthy as you can! Didn't get it 100%? Fine, make tomorrow a healthier day! This isn't about dwelling on your mistakes, we all make them. It is about making the right SMALL choices day after day that will add up to you being healthy, fit and strong OR fat, unhealthy and in pain! Here are a few examples of things you can think about getting done each day and each week that will contribute to your health. Daily
Weekly Tasks
Now this is not meant to be an exhaustive list of things to do but merely to illustrate the point! You only need to spend 30-60 minutes a day Can you spend an hour a day on your health? The average person still watches 3+ hours of TV a day - so I know the answer is yes. If you want to be healthy then set aside that hour each day to work on your health. Your body won't do it for you! What is your day like?
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Daniel FreemanI am a personal trainer and online health coach. I write these articles to help you improve your health and well-being Archives
November 2018